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Nora Cazares

Nora Cazares (she/her) is a New Mexico-based intimacy coordinator, actor, and storyteller. Born in Jalisco, Mexico, Nora identifies as a first-generation Mexican-American and is bilingual in Spanish and English. Growing up primarily in Colorado as a Latina, she was always fascinated with identity and culture, and this led her to pursue a BA in Ethnic Studies from the University of Colorado, Boulder. During her time at UC Boulder she developed a passion for storytelling as an educational tool. 

Nora has worked in the documentary film sector as a production assistant and grant writer. She has consulted on media projects focused on the Latin/Hispanic experience and is an actor and voice-over talent in the Southwest. She has also produced several podcasts, has spoken at the Outlier Podcast Festival, and is currently consulting on several projects focused on cultural competency.

Identity, intersectionality and cultural competency in film and television are very important to Nora. As an intimacy coordinator, she facilitates creating an authentic story surrounding the intersectionality of culture and identity with intimacy. Nora holds dual citizenship with Mexico and the U.S. and is available to travel within those markets.
