Kattia Zúñiga

Kattia (she/her) is of Panamanian-Costa Rican origin and currently lives in Chile. She has a degree in physical therapy and graduated as a dancer from the Danza Abierta program at the University of Costa Rica. In addition to her performance experience as a dancer, Kattia has collaborated in audiovisual projects for more than 10 years as an actress, producer, director, and acting coach, so she has first hand knowledge of the dynamics and needs in front of and behind the camera.

Her interest in the representation of sexuality, respect for the creative processes, and desire for actors and talent to work comfortably and safely on sets were some of the reasons why she decided to train as an intimacy coordinator. In 2020 she began her preparation through lectures and courses on the subject and in 2023, after her training with Amanda Blumenthal, she got her certification to work on scripted and unscripted projects.

Email: kattiazuniga.ic@gmail.com